About Kathy
Fees & Insurance

Kathy Senti
(925) 895-0578

Do you struggle with relationships?
       With your loving (or not so loving) partner?
       With your children or parents?
       With your friends or co-workers or boss?

My mother always told me relationships take work, but I never knew what she meant. Now after years of life experience and training to be a therapist, I understand the importance of relationships and how to make them work better.

It’s not easy, making relationships work. No two people think alike, feel alike, or have the same expectations. And so we all need to learn how to work with those different people who are so important in our lives.

When we are in relationship with someone, we all tend to act the same way in many situations. When we don’t like what happens, we try the same things – only harder – hoping that will make things better. But unfortunately, that only causes the other person to try their same things even harder, which makes the whole relationship even harder. If only he or she would change, we think. 

The reality is we can’t make anyone else change, but we can change ourselves and the way we act and react. And when we change, the other person has room to change too. I’m not saying they will change, only that they might – and that’s certainly more hopeful for you than before. If nothing else, you can feel better about yourself because you are doing what you need to do for you.

We all need and want loving, cooperative, satisfying relationships. If you want help with your relationships, call me.  

Kathy Senti, MFT #49763
10 Crow Canyon Ct. Suite 101 • San Ramon, CA 94583
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